The Four Agreements for Wanderlusters FREE Training Series! - Retreat Coaching | Retreat Training | Retreat Programs | Wanderlust Entrepreneur | Sheri Rosenthal

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Toltec Wisdom for Entrepreneurs – FREE Training Series!

We’re all working hard to create a business (and life!) that’s exactly what we’ve been dreaming of. We have the best intentions – so why don’t things always turn out the way we want them to be?

What’s stopping us from executing everything we have in our heart and soul?

In the end, no matter how many obstacles seem to be external to us – our minds, and what we tell ourselves about the world, our business circumstances, and who we are – is the biggest obstacle of all.

In this 5-part training series especially designed for heart-based entrepreneurs, we’re going to help you better understand how you can use your business as a mirror, allowing it to reflect to you all the limiting beliefs and harmful stories you are telling yourself (even the subconscious ones) so that you can achieve the success and abundance that is your birthright.

So please join us for this free training and special private Facebook group! If you love the work of don Miguel Ruiz and the agreements and have been wondering how you can apply them in your business – you’re in the right place!

During our time together we’ll discuss all FIVE agreements…

Be impeccable with your word


Don’t take anything personally


Don’t make assumptions

Do your best

Be skeptical, but learn to listen

Your Guides!

Sheri Rosenthal

My personal adventure began in 1998 when I was going through a challenging time in my life and finally admitted to myself that on some level – I had never been truly happy.

Although I changed: husbands (twice), cities (five moves), podiatric practices (three different practices in three different states) and friends (should we go there?), I still had no real joy in my life.

I sold my very successful practice, my boy-friend (only kidding), my beautiful home – and closed the surgical residency program I was director of (yes, that was a pretty big deal – and yes, the medical community thought I was NUTS).

Fortunately, during this time I received a copy of don Miguel Ruiz’s NY Times best-selling book (The Four Agreements®) and decided to go on one of his spiritual journeys to the sacred site of Teotihuacán, Mexico.

I spent nearly 8 years on a transformative spiritual quest with my teacher. I took a year and a half off the beginning of my journey to reflect on my life and explore the landscape of my inner world. It was a rocky, unforgiving place at first (most of us are willing to forgive others before ourselves). But over time, I gained the skills and tools to shift my own reality (and that of others) — from the inside out.

Personally, I’M TIRED of seeing wonderful – no – fabulously awesome people living mediocre lives fulfilling other people’s dreams rather than creating unlimited abundance (in every direction), amazing success in their business, truly loving relationships, and true happiness in every direction.

So what are you waiting for? Don’t let the cosmic two-by-four hit you upside the head! (you know…when life whacks you on the head so you can wake up, take action, and finally change?) Today you can take control of the only thing you CAN take control of – YOU!

Brandt Morgan

In the summer of 1995, when I asked don Miguel Ruiz how to deepen my spiritual path, he fixed me with eyes like deep, dark pools for about 30 seconds and announced flatly, “You have too many opinions. And they are the wrong ones!”

I was shocked. Up until then, I had thought my opinions were part of my personal integrity. Miguel explained that I had too many judgments, too many negative attitudes, too many false beliefs that were making my life miserable.

“You have to learn to take the power out of the opinions,” he insisted.

Up until then, I hadn’t even realized I was making my life miserable, but it didn’t take much reflection to realize that it was true. I had to agree that almost every area of my life could use an overhaul.

I spent most of the next 10 years working with Miguel, “taking the power out of the opinions” — noticing my judgments and beliefs, learning how to forgive myself and others, practicing self-love and compassion and finally beginning to teach the Four Agreements myself.

For the past two decades, I have been busy helping other people “take the power out of the opinions,” doing private coaching, workshops and retreats in the US, Canada, Mexico and Europe.

My greatest joy is in watching people light up when they begin to remember the truth of who they are — the truth that lies like a great ocean of love and joy beneath the drama of our daily lives.

We are all born whole and complete. We just forget who we are as we’re taught who we are supposed to be. But by activating our own innate awareness, we can transform the old stories that keep us imprisoned and free ourselves to live with more peace, joy and abundance than ever before.

How about joining us to take some power out of your opinions?

Leo van Warmerdam

I first met Don Miguel Ruiz back in 1994 and slowly started exploring his teachings.  At that time I was unhappy in my life and searching for answers by reading lots and lots of self help and spirituality books.  I wanted to change my life, but I didn’t know how. I was desperate to know why I couldn’t make things “work” for me in my life, career, relationships, etc.

After couple of years of training with don Miguel I was compelled to go on one of his five day Power Journey retreats to Teotihuacan, Mexico.  This immersion experience blew my mind.  I left that retreat in a state of bliss and peacefulness that I had forgotten could exist. I came home committed to make that state my normal everyday life, instead of the confused and unhappy state I was living in.

A year after my first trip with don Miguel to Mexico I went on a second 5 day retreat he was leading to Teotihuacan. This trip was completely different for me than my first, and transformational in a much deeper way than my first retreat.  Over the next 6 months I had many insights into myself and how my agreements and domestication were holding me stuck into a way of life that I had not been aware I was creating for myself.

I went on to work with don Miguel for the next 10 years.  I diligently practiced The Four Agreements® and many other of his tools and techniques to unburden ourselves from our “old” way of being.  My experience of life was slowly and constantly getting better and I was finally happy, no matter what circumstances life was throwing at me.

During that time I started teaching others The Four Agreements® and the basic principles that don Miguel had shared with us. The Four Agreements® have become a natural part of my life and daily practice and interactions. Now, no matter what’s happening in daily life, I’m living that peaceful, happy life daily that I was seeking – and I’m truly grateful!  And I wish the same for you.

Eva Charlotte Larsson Ruiz

In my late teens, I had a vision. I knew that one day I’d walk into a room, and a Spiritual Master would “recognize” me. I knew that I’d be living with him, as a partner, and that he’d guide me to personal freedom and spiritual awakening. It was exciting. I couldn’t wait!

But wait is exactly what I had to do… it’d take more than 25 years, before this came true… and I had long forgotten about it.

I’d done so much inner work, as well as shifted careers, walked away from success, started – and ended – personal relationships, had life changing (and nearly life-ending) situations, “walked through fires,” and much more. My life had shifted from meaningless and miserable, to contentment and happiness… and yet, I was oblivious to many habits and behaviors still lurking within.

Even though my life was now inspiring and fun, I felt as if I was living in “a bubble,” a fishbowl if you like. I knew, intuitively, that the freedom I longed for, laid beyond this bubble… but how to get there? It was a mystery and no teaching or modality had given me the answer, yet.

And then it happened… I “randomly” met don Miguel Ruiz while traveling to Mexico. He walked up to me and said “Where have you been… I’ve been calling you? You’re now my apprentice, come to Vegas.”  And so, it began. I ended up living with Miguel for 8+ years, managing his business and traveling across the world; teaching, speaking and leading retreats.

I thought I’d travel the globe, but instead I explored the inner world of Eva Charlotte. It was not always a pleasant journey, but it was deeply rewarding. An inner peace, stillness and wisdom started to emerge… the change was profound, and I’m eternally grateful.

So what about YOU? Are you ready to claim your own power, the force that comes from the depth of your being, accompanied by an intelligence that far bypasses the knowledge of the human mind? This is your innate birthright, but it’s up to you, to remember.

If you’re ready to remember, I hope you’ll join us.

Ready to dive into The Four Agreements®?

If your heart is calling you and you’re READY, join us for this fun and free training series from teachers trained by don Miguel!