Giving Back - Retreat Coaching | Retreat Training | Retreat Programs | Wanderlust Entrepreneur | Sheri Rosenthal

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We have amazing, audacious, soul-fulfilling, wanderlusting lives.

We want the same for you (and you, and you, and you)… And for every human being on this planet! Okay, we’ll readily admit it: we’re starry-eyed dreamers with big mushball hearts. But we’re also practical overachievers with get-‘er-done gumption. Between all of us on the Wanderlust Team, we’ve been:

  • straight-A students,
  • a fully paid college scholarship recipient,
  • a summa-cum-laude graduate and valedictorian,
  • an elementary school teacher,
  • a professional development trainer,
  • school or college faculty members,
  • a surgical residency director,
  • a home owner at age 21,
  • an energetic and accomplished attorney
  • a 30-year freelance writer and editor
  • and the head of a biochemistry and physiology lab…

Yep, we’re into school!

photos courtesy of

Here’s how you can help:

Yep, we want to make the world a better place! And we’re betting you do, too. If you feel the desire to help us build our school, you can go to our special team page to make your tax-deductible donation directly to Pencils of Promise!

“Education is vital to ensuring a better quality of life for all children and a better world for all people.”

~ Unicef

Giving back is built into the fabric of our business.

Our educations have enabled us to unearth our passions, live in dream homes, support our families, feel financially confident – and have the money to travel the world several times over. We wish every human being on this planet the same happiness and mega-success, and a basic education is the first step!

That’s why we’ve partnered with Pencils of Promise and pledged to raise $50,000 to build a school.

Pencils of Promise believes every child should have access to quality education.

They create schools, programs, and global communities around the common goal of education for all. And 100% of online donations go to PoP programs. (How outstanding is that!?)

Because let’s get real: Can you imagine your life without travel and transformation, let alone education? We can’t!

And we don’t think the 250 million children of primary-school age who lack basic reading, writing, and math skills should either.

Just imagine a young girl who learned to read, write, and do math at our school one day creating a business for herself and her family. What problems might she solve? Who might she help or inspire? How might she give back? Although we can accomplish a crazy amount, we can’t do this without your help.

Please click the orange button below and make your donation! Thank you!