How to Run a Successful Yoga Retreat

So you want to run a yoga retreat?  A successful one?

Welcome to the club!

Yep, that’s right.

You aren’t alone, yogi!  

No matter where you look, you’ll find gobs of people running yoga retreats …

And looking to make good money doing them.

Yet time and time again, we see yogis barely scraping by … not even coming close to making the money they crave.

Which seems kind of crazy, considering that yoga retreats are in such high demand.

The thing is though, most people running yoga retreats have not set themselves up for success.

They think they’ll take their people away to a pretty place, do some yoga, eat healthy food, and that’ll be enough to sell out.

Unless you are a well-known yogi with a big following though, the chances of that happening are slim.


Because people can easily hop into a yoga class at their local studio and receive the benefits yoga offers without having to book a plane ticket and pay you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars …


It’s so true, though.

To run a successful yoga retreat, you’re going to have to do more.

Like what?

Here are our top 5 tips for running a successful yoga retreat:

#1: Weave in a Theme

Our first tip for running a successful yoga retreat is to weave in a theme. 


With so many yoga retreats out there, you’re going to have to do way more than plan a “yoga retreat.”  

Are your people on the verge of burn out?  Why not plan a “Bend Away Your Burn-Out” retreat, weaving in tools and techniques for stress relief and creating harmony?

Do you sense that your tribe would really benefit from having better time management skills?  Why not plan a “The Rhythm of a Yogi” retreat where you combine asanas with ancient techniques yogis have used for thousands of years to manage their lives?

Incorporating a theme takes your yoga retreat to a whole other level and offers your people a focus – which they can then grab a hold of.  

It also makes it easier to market your retreat.  With a clear theme identified, you can be playful with your promotional emails, film fun video content, and make every little detail of your retreat an extension of your theme.

So, do yourself (and your people a favor) and make sure you have a theme in place before you greenlight your next yoga retreat.  It’s so worth it!

#2: Understand Your People’s Problems

Our second tip for running a successful yoga retreat is to understand your people’s problems.

When you are deciding on a theme for your next retreat in accordance with tip one above, don’t just choose something that you like.  Instead, choose a focus that your people need – one that offers a solution to something they are struggling with.

And, these struggles don’t have to be yoga-related.  Most people turn to yoga because they are experiencing something in their lives that is causing their bodies to tighten up.  Whether it’s stress, sitting at a desk job too long, or a health condition – people have issues. And, they want you to solve them!

Take a moment and really feel into who your ideal yoga retreat client is.  Get intimate with what struggles and problems he or she is facing. Then ask yourself – what can I put together that will help them?  What would take my yoga retreat from helpful to life-changing?

And, if you aren’t sure, take a survey of your tribe.  Ask them, and then listen to what they say. The wisest yogis are those that pay attention to what is happening both within them and around them.  

When you know your people’s problems inside and out, you can serve them!  So, think of your yoga retreat as an act of service, and set it up so it offers a solution to at least one of your people’s biggest problems.

#3: Amp Up the Benefits

Our third tip for running a successful yoga retreat is to amp up the benefits of your retreat.

Once you have your people’s problems in mind, it’s time to craft heart-pounding benefits that will leave them thinking only one thing …

I MUST go on this retreat!

What do we mean by benefits? 

The tangible takeaways your folks will walk away with.

And, the more of these you offer your people, the better.

For example, if you are going to do a retreat for people on the verge of burn-out, your benefits could look something like …

Walking away with an easy-to-implement stress management plan, a 10-minute evening yoga practice to banish the burdens of the day, and a morning journaling practice that empowers you to start your day off right.

See how these benefits are simple to understand, clear-cut, and offer your people tangible things they can take away from your retreat? 

The juicer they are, the better.  So, get brainstorming and come up with some breathtaking benefits!

#4: Make it Unique

Our fourth tip for running a successful yoga retreat is to make it unique!

Costa Rica and Bali are two of the most popular yoga destinations out there.  

And, while they’re lovely places (we are big fans!), if you plan your yoga retreat in either of these destinations, you’re instantly lost in the shuffle of the hundreds of other retreats happening there, too.

So, why not think outside the box?  It’s a big world, after all.

Start brainstorming some destinations that aren’t quite so expected yet offer your people a setting that would really serve them.  (Once you understand their problems, it’s much easier to do this …)

And, make sure to consider your people’s schedules, travel needs, and desires.  The best retreat locations are those that are not only unique but also perfectly aligned with what your people want.

Also, feel into offering some not-so-expected activities and adventures on your retreat to take the uniqueness of your retreat to another level.

Afterall, people are buying you and the EXPERIENCE you are offering them.  The more incredible your location and itinerary are, the more likely people will say yes!

#5: Offer a Post Retreat Follow-Up Program

Our fifth tip for running a successful yoga retreat is to offer a post retreat follow-up program.

Yep, that’s right.

The success of your yoga retreat isn’t limited to the actual retreat itself.

It expands well beyond those few days you spend with your people on their yoga mats … 


Offering your people the chance to be a part of a post-retreat follow-up program not only adds money to your bottom line.  It also keeps the retreat’s transformation ticking along for your peeps …

And, that is the best interests of everyone involved.

So, the next time you are planning a yoga retreat, make sure you expand your vision well beyond the retreat itself and include a program to roll your peeps into after.  

To your wanderlust life & business,
Melanie Scott, Retreat Blueprint Coach @ Retreat Blueprint Program

As a self-proclaimed retreat-junkie, Melanie knows firsthand the power and transformation of traveling with a group of like-minded people who are ready to dive deep into themselves.  It’s pure magic! 

Melanie has planned, co-facilitated and attended dozens of retreats all over the world and is beyond excited to help other retreat enthusiasts do the same.  As a Retreat Blueprint Business Coach & Copywriter, Melanie specializes in helping retreat peeps crank up their businesses & add sparkle to their offerings so they shine to the cosmos and back.  

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